
Investor updates | 03/10/2024
Jigsaw announces new Chair of the Board of Jigsaw Funding and Jigsaw Treasury

01 October saw Jigsaw Homes Group Board Member Evelin Matley, assume the role of Chair for the boards of Jigsaw Funding and Jigsaw Treasury.  

General | 01/10/2024
MP Officially Opens New Banking Hub in Stalybridge 

The Rt Hon Jonathan Reynolds, MP for Stalybridge and Hyde, officially unveiled a new Banking Hub in Stalybridge, based in Jigsaw Homes’ Summers Quay development.

Jigsaw Rewards, You Said We Did | 01/10/2024
You Said, We Did: Jigsaw Conversation 2023

In winter 2023/2024, we ran a series of consultations where we asked our Jigsaw Rewards members to watch video updates from some of our senior managers and let us know…

Jigsaw Rewards, You Said We Did | 30/09/2024
You Said We Did: Resident Engagement and Community Investment Strategy Review

This Summer, 242 Jigsaw Rewards members took part in our Community Investment Strategy consultation and 186 members took part in our Resident Engagement consultation.

General | 26/09/2024
Our 2024 Tenants’ Annual Report is now available

Following on from the publication of our Financial Statements for 2023/24 we have pulled together some of the key highlights during the year in the form of a Tenants’ Annual Report.

Investor updates | 26/09/2024
Jigsaw Group Publishes Financial Statements for 2023/24

The statements set out a comprehensive account of Jigsaw Group’s activities during 2023/24 and provide an insight into our efforts to deliver on our strategic priorities.

General | 24/09/2024
Bin-credible! New Litter Hub Launches to Keep Streets Clean

The local community came out in force in Tameside last week to support the opening of a new Litter Hub at Holy Trinity Community Centre in Ashton.

Jigsaw Rewards, You Said We Did | 23/09/2024
You Said We Did: Assistance and Vulnerabilities Survey

Jigsaw Rewards members took part in our You Said, We Did survey around Assistance and Vulnerabilities.

General | 09/09/2024
Tickled Pink for Breast Cancer Awareness

Women across Tameside came together and wore a touch of pink to help raise money and increase awareness of breast cancer at a charity fundraiser at Ashton Central Mosque.  …

Jigsaw Foundation | 05/09/2024
Jigsaw Foundation Funds Creative Arts in Ashton

Young people in Cedar Park, Ashton found a creative outlet over the school holidays thanks to free creative arts workshops funded by the Jigsaw Foundation.