
Neighbourhood | 13/07/2022
To Infinity and Beyond: JET Delivers 100+ Qualifications in Six Months

Over 100 residents throughout Jigsaw’s communities have received accredited qualifications thanks to the Jigsaw Employment Team.

Jigsaw Group News | 13/07/2022
Telephone system essential maintenance work – Thursday 14 July at 6:15pm

We will be carrying out essential maintenance work on our telephone system at 6:15pm on Thursday 14 July. Our telephone lines will be down for at least 15 minutes and…

Neighbourhood | 12/07/2022
Memory Café Members Bury Time Capsule

Members of the Netherfield Memory Café in Nottinghamshire saved some of their current memories for the future as they buried a time capsule.

Jigsaw Foundation | 12/07/2022
Jigsaw Foundation Helps ACA Walking Group Stay on its Feet

Audenshaw Community Association walking group can continue to keep moving thanks to a grant of £700 from Jigsaw Foundation.

Jigsaw Group News, Sustainability | 11/07/2022
Hundreds of Homes in Line for £4.6m Vital Energy Upgrades

Jigsaw Homes Group is working with energy supply and solutions provider E.ON to deliver £4.6m worth of upgrades to hundreds of homes throughout the North West and East Midlands to improve their energy performance.

Development | 04/07/2022
Work Starts at Warton to Build 345 Homes 

A special ground breaking ceremony was held last week to mark the official start on site at our Beaumont Green development in Warton, Lancashire, in partnership with developer Countryside.

Gardens & Allotments, Neighbourhood | 29/06/2022
Residents Get Growing

Residents and the Jigsaw Homes Neighbourhood Engagement team have had their trowels at the ready to get stuck into a number of gardening projects throughout Jigsaw’s communities.

Investor updates, Jigsaw Group News | 28/06/2022
We are looking for a new Non-Executive Director to join our board.

We are recruiting for a new Non-Executive Director to join our board and play a role in our vision to help residents live successfully in homes they can afford.

Neighbourhood | 28/06/2022
Ready Steady Cook

Residents from the Housing for Over 55’s scheme Kendal House and children from Gorse Hall Primary School cooked up mouth-watering meals through Jigsaw’s intergenerational cooking classes in Stalybridge.

Investor updates, Jigsaw Group News | 27/06/2022
Our Long Term Plan: Where Are We Now? 

Jigsaw Homes has already started work on a number of long-term projects set out in our updated Corporate Plan, the ‘Blueprint for our Future’.