
Boxing Lessons To Help Combat ASB

Boxing Lessons To Help Combat ASB

Jigsaw Homes joined forces with Cllr Kaleel Khan and Samson’s boxing gym in Tameside to help tackle anti-social behaviour among young people.

Jigsaw’s Neighbourhood Engagement Officer Minaz Aslam helped to set up and launch a 10-week boxing programme for 10 young people aged six to 14, who have engaged in anti-social behaviour in the area.

The programme was part funded by Cllr Kaleel Khan and our Engagement Team who each provided £200 in funding for the initiative.

Gym owner Samson, a retired professional boxer, will teach various boxing skills to young people who have been referred by our Neighbourhood Safety Team to get them involved in positive social activities.

Cllr Khan said: “Together with Minaz, we have worked hard behind the scenes to get this up and running. It was great to see kids gaining confidence, parents supporting them and everyone enjoying the first session. This is just the start and we want to keep building positive opportunities for our young people.”

The sessions will run for 10 weeks every Tuesday from 7pm-8pm. If the pilot project proves successful, Jigsaw’s Neighbourhood Engagement Team will look to provide further funding.