
Supporting World Elder Abuse Awareness Day

Supporting World Elder Abuse Awareness Day

Last week, Jigsaw joined Tameside Council’s Adult Safeguarding Board (TASPB) to support World Elder Abuse Awareness Day which takes place each year on 15 June.

Colleagues from Jigsaw Support’s teams, including Bridges, Jigsaw’s hospital discharge team and Jayne Mee, Jigsaw’s Hoarding Specialist, joined Citizens Advice and TASB at Tameside One in Ashton, to raise awareness of elder abuse.

They invited local people to come along and find out more about what neglect/ self-neglect can look like, how they can help and how they respond to safeguarding concerns.

Jayne Mee said: “I think it’s important to be a part of awareness campaigns like World Elder Abuse Awareness Day as it provides an opportunity for communities to stand together against the abuse, mistreatment and neglect of older people.

“As a housing association, we can use our platform to spread awareness and information about the Jigsaw Support Services which are available to Jigsaw residents and Tameside residents that can support people should they be affected.”

You can find out more about the campaign and how the teams deal with reports of safeguarding issues here.