
Chorley’s Summer Play Day connects residents

Neighbourhood Engagement Officers, Gemma Bennett and Jamie Bell, attended Chorley’s Summer Play Day on Wednesday 7 August.

The event was organised by Chorley Council with Chorley Community Housing and other partners attending to share information about their services and provide activities for the community.

It wasn’t a typical summer’s day but, despite the rain, the event was busy and families got involved in an array of activities: bouncy castles, outdoor games, a treasure hunt, crafts and even rock climbing!

Jamie and Gemma provided information about the Jigsaw Foundation to encourage applications from Chorley and Jigsaw Rewards for our residents to give regular feedback on our services.  It was also a great opportunity to make connections with other local partners.

Alongside all the outdoor games available for the families to take part in, swingball, hula-hooping and hop-scotch proved very popular and got children moving, encouraging them to improve their health and well-being.

Overall the day was very successful with the locals making the most of the summer entertainment.