
From Walking… To Work

One of our residents has taken the first steps towards employment with help from Jigsaw’s Neighbourhood Engagement team.

Humera Nosheen began attending one of our walking groups in Cheetham Hill and with encouragement from the Neighbourhood Engagement team, she then got involved in our Cook and Eat sessions.

Through these sessions, Humera managed to achieve an AQA award and then went on to receive a Level 2 Food and Hygiene certificate.

Jigsaw’s Neighbourhood Engagement Officer Tanuja Patel also helped Humera find part time employment with the charity based organisation Hopewell which has offered her a role as a sessional worker.

Humera said, “By engaging with Tanuja in a wide of activities around Cheetham Hill Area, I have built my confidence back after being on long break bringing my two children.

I needed a push and guidance which Tanuja has certainly encouraged, and to be involved in various community projects. She also referred me to JET team to help me with my CV and Interview techniques. I would like to thank you all for supporting me and encouraging me.”