
Community Cleans Up in Ashton

Community Cleans Up in Ashton

Local councillors joined Jigsaw’s Neighbourhood and Asset Management teams as well as residents for a community clean-up day to help keep Tameside tidy.

The day involved targeting the Hillgate area in Ashton and litter picking across Jigsaw’s estates, with four large skips being filled with rubbish. The teams also helped 20 vulnerable residents remove bulky household items from their homes free of charge.

Councillors Andrew McLaren and Bill Fairfoull also took part in the litter pick and spoke to residents about different issues in their area.

The event was organised by Minaz Aslam, Jigsaw’s Neighbourhood Engagement Officer, and funded by the Neighbourhood fund.

Ivan Wright, Operations Director of Neighbourhoods, Jigsaw’s Hit Squad, Grounds Maintenance team,  Caretaking team and Linda Chapman, Jigsaw’s Neighbourhood Safety Officer were also on hand to get stuck in and offer support.

Neighbourhood officers also spoke to residents about recycling, using wheelie bins and the potential problems caused by putting waste into the wrong bins, all of which can cause problems in the neighbourhood.

Minaz Aslam said: “We want to provide great neighbourhoods and unfortunately, fly tipping and litter are persistent issues. I would like to thank all the teams who were on hand assisting and supporting this clean-up day and the help that was offered to the residents in the community.  Hopefully we have encouraged residents to keep their neighbourhood looking clean and tidy.”