
Making Miles of Difference

Making Miles of Difference

Colleagues across the Group joined forces in Miles Platting, Manchester to help make a difference to the local community through Jigsaw’s ‘Give Something Back’ days.

They helped to clear up litter from the surrounding area and managed to fill four skips with rubbish and unwanted items from residents.

They also tended to Chippenham Community Garden which had become derelict and overgrown over time. Colleagues assisted in weeding the garden, cutting down overgrown plants and ploughed soil in the planters to restore the garden for future use by residents.

It is hoped that a future green space will be provided for residents to enjoy, and even have a place to grow their own fruit and vegetables.

The clean-up day was organised by Vikki Barry, Neighbourhood Engagement Officer, and was attended by around 30 colleagues including Brian Moran, Group Chief Executive alongside neighbourhoods, leasehold, governance, asset management, finance and communications teams, as well as our Hit Squad.

Vikki Barry said: “Thanks to everyone who attended and volunteered their time to help out – everyone worked really hard and we even managed to fill one skip up within the first five minutes!

“We achieved so much, and I know this will make a real difference to our residents’ neighbourhoods and keep them looking clean and tidy.”           

This is one of the many ‘Give Something Back’ days that Jigsaw has organised, with several more clean-up days taking place in Nottingham and Oldham over the coming weeks.