Category: Neighbourhood

Neighbourhood | 26/09/2023
A Vine Day of Celebration

Our Neighbourhood Engagement team supported a community fun day in Gorton, Manchester to celebrate the newly unveiled Vine Street community mural.

Neighbourhood | 12/07/2023
Tenant Evicted after Successful Court Case by Neighbourhood Safety Team

A tenant in Cheshire who caused repeated incidents of anti-social behaviour has been evicted following a complex and lengthy investigation by Jigsaw’s Neighbourhood Safety Team.

Neighbourhood | 11/07/2023
Cooking Up Healthy Meals in Chorley

Residents in Chorley took part in a mouth-watering cooking course and learned how to make healthy meals on a budget.

Neighbourhood | 04/07/2023
Keeping Tameside Tidy

Residents took to the streets of Ashton armed with bin liners and litter pickers to take part in a community clean up day along with Jigsaw’s Neighbourhood Engagement Team.

Gardens & Allotments, General, In Your Area, Jigsaw Foundation, Jigsaw Rewards, Neighbourhood | 30/05/2023
Jigsaw Group Gardening Competition Now Open!

Do you have a creative garden, yard, window box, lawn or hanging basket? Whether you have a huge garden, a collection of tubs on your balcony/patio or a shared space…

Neighbourhood | 23/05/2023
Book Bench Unveiled at Coppull Library as Thanks to Jigsaw Homes

Coppull Library gave a special thank you to Jigsaw Homes for Jigsaw’s continued support by unveiling a creative book bench for Chorley residents to enjoy.

Neighbourhood | 11/05/2023
Oldham Jobs Fair

Jigsaw’s Neighbourhood Engagement Team attended the Oldham Jobs Fair last week and gave over 60 residents advice on finding a job and training opportunities.

Neighbourhood | 11/05/2023
New Partnership Launches to Help People with Hoarding Disorder

Jigsaw Homes Group is part of a new partnership which has been created to help people across Tameside who are affected by hoarding behaviour and to help raise awareness of the disorder, ahead of Hoarding Awareness Week 2023.

Neighbourhood | 10/05/2023
Memory Cafe Residents Stay Fire Safe

Residents at the Netherfield Memory Café in Nottingham received a special visit from the Nottinghamshire Fire Service last week and learned different ways to stay fire safe.

Neighbourhood | 09/05/2023
Into the Cardboard Cosmos

An interactive play was performed by the Stute Theatre for more than 200 children and Jigsaw residents across Tameside to enjoy.