Category: Jigsaw Foundation

Jigsaw Foundation | 27/11/2024
Jigsaw Foundation Supports Humans MCR

The Jigsaw Foundation has awarded £42,770 to Humans MCR, a Manchester based community grocers on-wheels project, helping to tackle food poverty in our communities.

Jigsaw Foundation | 05/09/2024
Jigsaw Foundation Funds Creative Arts in Ashton

Young people in Cedar Park, Ashton found a creative outlet over the school holidays thanks to free creative arts workshops funded by the Jigsaw Foundation.

Jigsaw Foundation | 22/05/2024
HRH Princess Anne On Board with Boating Project

Princess Anne made waves in Tameside after attending the 30th anniversary of a community boating project, part funded by the Jigsaw Foundation.

Jigsaw Foundation | 30/01/2024
Everyone Can Play with YPAC Manchester

Youth and play work charity YPAC Manchester can fund more exciting ‘Everyone Can Play’ sessions for children in the community, thanks for £5,000 funding from our Jigsaw Foundation.

Jigsaw Foundation | 25/01/2024
Making Kind Connections with Manchester Mind

Our Jigsaw Foundation has partnered up with Manchester Mind and awarded £15,000 in funding to the Kind Connections project which aims to support residents with their mental health.

Jigsaw Foundation | 26/09/2023
Jigsaw Foundation Project Tour

Several Board members joined the Jigsaw Foundation team to take a closer look at two Jigsaw Foundation projects in Tameside and learned how they make a difference in Jigsaw’s communities.

Gardens & Allotments, General, In Your Area, Jigsaw Foundation, Jigsaw Rewards, Neighbourhood | 30/05/2023
Jigsaw Group Gardening Competition Now Open!

Do you have a creative garden, yard, window box, lawn or hanging basket? Whether you have a huge garden, a collection of tubs on your balcony/patio or a shared space…

Jigsaw Foundation, Jigsaw Rewards | 24/05/2023
Jigsaw Foundation Kicks Off with Funding for Children’s Football Sessions

Community group MyColdhurst has been awarded £3,000 from the Jigsaw Foundation to deliver professional football coaching sessions for young people aged 6 to 15 in Oldham.

Jigsaw Foundation | 05/04/2023
Thousands in Funding Available for Community Projects across North West and East Midlands

A share of almost half a million pounds is available for local residents, groups and charities across North West and East Midlands to bid towards and make a difference to lives within their communities.

General, In Your Area, Jigsaw Foundation, Jigsaw Rewards, Neighbourhood | 27/03/2023
£450,000 Community funding available for 2023!

Our £450,000 community fund is now available for neighbourhood and community based projects! The fund supports local projects run by charities, resident and community groups, voluntary organisations, social enterprises and…