Category: General

General | 14/05/2019
New version of Adactus Connect launches today!

Today we have launched a brand new version of the Adactus Connect website. Our new look tenant portal contains all the information you need to manage your tenancy and keep…

General | 02/05/2019
Office closure – May day Bank Holiday

Our offices will be closed on Monday 06 May 2019. Our offices will re-open as usual on Tuesday 07 May 2019. If you need to report an emergency repair during…

General | 03/04/2019
Jigsaw celebrates first year of merger with neighbourhood investment and new £500,000 Jigsaw Foundation

Jigsaw Homes Group marked its first anniversary today (3 April) by opening applications to its new £500,000 community fund and launching new action plans to improve neighbourhoods across the North…

General | 02/04/2019
Jigsaw Rewards Scrutiny Panel on Welfare Reform

On Tuesday 30th October 2018, our Welfare Reform Scrutiny Panel met for the final time at our office in Ashton to look at the final recommendations for the report. Tenants…

General | 12/03/2019
Conversion of New Charter Homes to a Community Benefit Society

The board of New Charter Homes has recently taken a decision to convert New Charter Homes from a charitable company limited by guarantee to a community benefit society. The conversion…

General | 04/03/2019
Have your say – Together with Tenants

Our trade body, the National Housing Federation (NHF) has launched a nationwide consultation around its plans to create a new relationship between tenants, residents and housing associations. This plan is…

General | 04/03/2019
Have your say – Together with Tenants

Our trade body, the National Housing Federation (NHF) has launched a nationwide consultation around its plans to create a new relationship between tenants, residents and housing associations. This plan is…

General | 04/03/2019
Have your say – Together with Tenants

Our trade body, the National Housing Federation (NHF) has launched a nationwide consultation around its plans to create a new relationship between tenants, residents and housing associations. This plan is…

General | 27/02/2019
Our first 250 days

This month, we celebrated our first 250 days as Jigsaw Homes Group. Take a look at this timeline to see what we’ve achieved since we launched in April this year. It’s been…

General | 27/02/2019
Residents to bid for share of £500,000 in new community fund to improve neighbourhoods

Residents in Lancashire will soon get the chance to bid for a share of £500,000 towards community projects through a new fund set up to help improve neighbourhoods across the…