Category: General

General | 24/01/2023
Revamped Playground is a Hit with Local School Children

Jigsaw’s Hit Squad helped to revamp a local school’s playground creating a safe space for play and outdoor adventures. The playground at Lyndhurst Primary School in Dukinfield has been transformed…

General | 24/01/2023
Fitness and Cooking Classes On the Menu in North Manchester

Residents got their heart rates up and enjoyed a range of fitness sessions and cooking classes in Cheetham Hill and Crumpsall.

The sessions were organised as part of Jigsaw’s partnership with charity Hopewell Manchester to improve wellbeing and address social isolation the local community.

General | 20/01/2023
Roots Teams Up with GMP for Operation AVRO

Jigsaw Support’s Roots team were part of Greater Manchester Police’s Operation AVRO which helps target offenders.

General | 18/01/2023
Jigsaw Support Helps Residents Get Snugg

Jigsaw Support’s Springboard service teamed up with Snugg Homes to gift residents with brand new furniture to help furnish their new homes. Jigsaw’s shared ownership provider  Snugg wanted to provide…

General | 18/01/2023
Creative Community Cookbook Helps Fund Lunch Club

A tasty new community cookbook has been launched in Dukinfield by Jigsaw Homes residents to help fund a lunch club.

General | 05/01/2023
Supporting the Cost of Living in Chorley

Jigsaw’s Neighbourhood Engagement Team held a host of ‘cost of living’ events for residents in Chorley to help provide useful information, support and guidance for those struggling. Neighbourhood Engagement Officer…

General | 05/01/2023
Neighbourhood Team Provide Helping Hand this Winter

Some of our over 55’s residents in Ashton Central and St Peter’s enjoyed a Christmas party at Holy Trinity Church and Community Centre in December.

Jigsaw’s Neighbourhood Engage

General | 19/12/2022
Our services over Christmas & New Year 2022/23

Please note from Monday 26 December 2022 and during the festive period, we will be providing restricted services, including an Emergency Repairs service only.  Normal services will resume from Tuesday 03 January 2023.

General | 14/12/2022
Bike Donations Make a Wheely Big Difference

Thanks to donations of unwanted bicycles, Jigsaw helped Tameside Council and Manchester Bike Kitchen with their pop-up shop in Hyde town centre.

General | 14/12/2022
200 Winter Warmer Packs Delivered

More than 200 winter warmer packs have been delivered to residents in need as part of this year’s Keep Warm Keep Well project.