Sustainable Finance Framework SFF

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Sustainable Finance Framework

We are very pleased to introduce this Sustainable Finance Framework which forms an important part of a set of initiatives to achieve Jigsaw Homes Group’s Sustainability Strategy. It will help to support the raising of financing to fund a range of environmentally and socially sustainable projects led by Jigsaw and its members in aid of fulfilling our mission of ”Creating homes. Building lives.”

Click here to view and/or download Jigsaw Home Group’s Sustainable Finance Framework>>

Use of Proceeds Report

To enable investors to follow our progress against the Sustainable Finance Framework and to provide insight into prioritised areas, Jigsaw has committed to provide Allocation Reporting and Impact Reporting on an annual basis.

The 2024 Use of Proceeds Report will hopefully provide you with an easy-to-read account of our sff—linked activities over the last 12 months.

Jigsaw Homes Group SFF Use of Proceeds Report 05-2024

Second Party Opinion

You can read and/or download the full detail using the link below:

Second Party Opinion: Jigsaw Homes Group Ltd.’s Sustainable Finance Framework>>

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