Target: 97%
Actual: 99%
Percentage of emergency repairs completed within the 24 hour target during the reporting period:
Target: 11 working days
Actual: 13 working days
There has been marginal improvement in performance during Q2 however this was short of the target overall. We continue to see an elevated demand on our repairs service which in turn adversely effects the average days to complete non-emergency repairs:
Target: 70%
Actual: 72.85%
% of respondents who report receiving a satisfactory response to their enquiry with a single contact, based on responses to an automated survey to a daily sample of callers to Connect:
Target: 85%
Actual: 87.6%
When customer requests cannot be resolved at first point of contact, we have a three working day target, which we are achieving in most instances:
Target: 85%
Actual: 88.9%
We survey all new tenants shortly after they have moved in to their home. Satisfaction levels are high and instances of dissatisfaction are followed up with the tenants:
Target: 80%
Actual: 92%
The Housing Ombudsman sets time standards for acknowledging and responding to complaints and reviews of complaint decisions. Efforts throughout the company to improve complaint handling have resulted in improved performance since the start of 2024: