What we do
Jigsaw Group is one of the largest housing providers in England, with 37,500 homes across the North West and East Midlands. Our members build, renovate and manage low-cost housing for rent and sale. As part of our mission ‘Creating homes. Building lives’, we provide quality, low-cost housing and play a wider role in making sure our residents thrive in their homes and benefit from living in healthy, sustainable communities. We also provide a range of charitable and supported housing services to help people live independently and to successfully maintain their tenancies.
Our Vision is: “We want everyone to live successfully in a home they can afford.”
Actively seeking to develop in over 15 local authority areas across the North West and East Midlands, we believe modular build will form an important element of our future development programme.
One of the key lessons from the six years of Jigsaw’s existence is that we are a resilient and adaptable organisation with an appetite to tackle difficult problems.