
You Said, We Did: Sustainability Action Plan Consultation

You Said, We Did: Sustainability Action Plan Consultation

Recently, 177 Jigsaw Rewards members took part in our sustainability action plan survey. The feedback from this consultation has been reviewed below.

Responses were mostly positive with 99% of participants stating that our sustainability strategy webpage, Be Zero, was easy to read, and 89% were either likely or very likely to watch Jigsaw videos about reducing their carbon footprint if they saw it advertised.

Additionally, 76% of members would like to see a video with advice for residents include fuel savings.

Many residents also offered additional suggestions on how Jigsaw could further improve its sustainability practices and how it could encourage residents to improve theirs.

Here’s more specific examples and how we are acting on it:

You Said: 67% of residents thought providing 3000 energy advice leaflets per year to residents was an acceptable number

We Did: We have so far delivered 2226 leaflets since April so are on track to meet this target

You Said: Residents gave many suggestions as to how we should engage with them regarding waste and recycling

We Did: We plan to email all residents with updated recycling information for their local authority, including information on bigger collections through charities for items such as sofas etc. We will also look at refreshing this information and sending out updates every one to two years.

You Said: 99% of survey participants thought the website was easy to read but did have some suggestions for improvements.

We Did: We are redesigning the Be Zero webpage to take your comments into consideration. This will include making the Be Zero campaign more visible and allowing residents to send in suggestions or comments directly to us. This will be live end of February.

You Said: Residents commented on surrounding bins and bin stores in their neighbourhoods.

We Did: We have asked the Voids team to check that each property has the correct bins so when a new resident moves in, they will be well equipped with what they need. We will also work on our bin stores, their design, their upkeep alongside the green spaces around our properties.

We will also follow up any other comments made by participants in our survey to the appropriate teams at Jigsaw Homes.

Thank you to everyone who took part in the survey.

If you would like to take part in future surveys like this then join Jigsaw Rewards, simply go to our website to join.

You can take part in as many or as few activities as you like and at a time that is convenient to you. In return, you will receive points which can be exchanged for high-street gift vouchers or credits towards your rent account.

Our members can receive over £150 in vouchers or rent credits each year.