Corporate Plan 2024-31 Our enablers

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Tenant voice

Jigsaw Rewards, our award-winning engagement programme, will continue to enable customers to influence our work, as is the case with this corporate plan, including major tenant-led scrutiny exercises. We will explore methods of collecting information to gauge customer sentiment and priorities so we listen to the voice of all customers, not just those opting to take part in engagement activities. We aim to have at least one tenant on each of the Group’s customer-facing boards.

Motivated staff

Our people enjoy the challenges that come with their jobs. Across the organisation, we strive to communicate the importance of our work, and to recognise teams and individuals for their contribution. We aim to offer competitive pay, and sector leading terms and conditions. Ultimately, our people are motivated by the social impact we make and so we will work to give all colleagues opportunities to give back to society.

Diversity and opportunity

Our customers, our communities and our colleagues are diverse. Our ability to meet our customers’ and communities’ expectations relies upon Jigsaw having an understanding of the full range of their experience. We will intensify our commitment to diversity to help our colleagues from more marginalised groups gain experience so they can reach their full potential at Jigsaw. Greater diversity will bring different ideas and perspectives to the challenges we face, improving our effectiveness and helping us to make better decisions.


Through the collective skills and experience of their members, our Boards ensure the success of our organisation, set our strategic direction, and ensure legal and regulatory compliance is maintained.


Jigsaw will be interested in taking advantage of technologies that can reduce carbon fuel usage, help monitor the condition of our homes and maintain the security of our systems and data.

Fulfil requirements of key stakeholders

Jigsaw respects the role of its regulators in maintaining the sector’s reputation and viability and so will continue to comply as standards adapt to our environment. We also have a host of other partners – local authorities, public agencies, charities and suppliers – with whom we will work collaboratively in pursuit of shared objectives.


Our sound financial position allows us to make the commitments in this plan and will enable our boards to take decisions about future investment opportunities. Over the next six years, we expect to make a bottom-line surplus of £176m, all of which will be reinvested in maintaining our homes, providing individualised support, community investment and the development of new homes.

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