
New Bridges Partnership Provides Domestic Abuse Support in Tameside

New Bridges Partnership Provides Domestic Abuse Support in Tameside

The new Bridges partnership has launched in Tameside to provide support services for victims and survivors of domestic abuse and behaviour change programmes for those causing harm.

Bridges Partnership is funded by Tameside Borough Council, and led by Jigsaw Support, part of Jigsaw Homes Group.  Together they have joined forces with TLC: Talk, Listen, Change and Diversity Matters North West to provide the domestic abuse service for Tameside over the next five years.

Jigsaw Support has delivered the domestic abuse support services in the borough since 2014 and will continue to offer support to victims and survivors. One in four women will experience domestic abuse from a partner in her lifetime and while less widely reported, 1 in 7 men also suffer domestic abuse.

Ginette received support from Bridges after many years of abuse.  She said: “It took me a long time to recognise that I was in an abusive relationship and even longer to finally fight to get free of the abusive control. 

“Statistics show that it takes a victim an average of seven times to leave an abusive relationship.  Even when I felt strong enough to break free, nobody can prepare you for the onslaught that follows – from threats and abuse to character assassination and isolation.  I can say, hand on heart, that it was the Bridges team and their support that empowered me to get through all of this and they are the reason that I now have hopes and dreams and a future to look forward to.”

Another client Vikki added: “I wouldn’t be where I am now if it wasn’t for the brilliant Bridges staff.  They were my lifesavers through some dreadful times and showed me so much kindness, care and support which gave me the confidence to live my life.  I now live independently in a Jigsaw Homes apartment, and I’ve never been happier. I can’t thank them enough.”

The service includes 1-1 support from keyworkers and Independent Domestic Violence Advocates (IDVA) support, safe accommodation options, and a dedicated women and families centre based in Ashton, as well as provision for children and young people.

Working with Diversity Matters North West, the new service will work across Tameside’s minority communities to encourage disclosure and provide appropriate support.  TLC: Talk, Listen, Change will provide a range of behaviour change programmes for those causing harm while putting the safety of victim-survivors and children at the centre of their support.

Donna Kelly, Jigsaw’s Group Director of Neighbourhoods and Support, said:

“Working in partnership with TLC: Talk, Listen, Change and Diversity Matters North West will bring a wealth of experience and expertise that will be a great fit with our own support for victims and survivors of domestic abuse. This includes our Women and Their Families Centre and Refuge which continue to provide safe women-only spaces.”

Tameside Council Executive Member for Population Health and Wellbeing, Cllr Eleanor Wills said:

“We are committed not just to reacting to domestic abuse when it is presented to us, but to proactively working in partnership with local communities and organisations to identify warning signs and prevent abuse before it happens. This new partnership brings together expertise and local knowledge that will help us reach people with the right support at the earliest opportunity.”

Gemma Gaskell, Chief Executive Officer, Diversity Matters North West, said: 

“We are excited to be part of the Bridges partnership so that we can ensure that women from minority communities (in particular those from South Asian heritage) have the opportunity to access barrier free support around domestic abuse.”

Michelle Hill, CEO, Talk, Listen, Change, said:

“We’re delighted to be building on our work with Children and Young People displaying harmful behaviour with this new partnership where we’ll deliver behaviour change programmes for adults causing harm. We know from a recent evaluation using police data that our behaviour change programmes significantly reduce the number of domestic abuse incidents and are delighted to be offering these services within the Bridges Partnership to help reduce domestic abuse in Tameside.”

If you, or someone you know, would like to find out more about the support available from the Bridges Partnership, contact us on 0161 331 2552, 0800 328 0967 (24 hours) or email the team at